CUFC continues to do fantastic work with our amazing teams and work of our wonderful committee. With membership numbers increasing, and brilliant BUCS results from last year, we have exciting plans to continue improving the club.
However, with a home Varsity on the horizon, the pressure is mounting up to make it the best event possible while still running an engaging club. Over the past few years, the club, like everything, has become increasingly more expensive to run while income has not yet increased to match. In order to continue, we have been forced to increase our membership prices and be far more conservative with our spending. Moreover, as students in general are facing tougher financial situations, we’ve had to introduce reduced membership fees for those receiving means-tested bursaries, so that we can continue to introduce as many people as possible to the joys of fencing and our club.
We have so many plans and goals for the club, however, we struggle to achieve them with our attention focused so much on finances and with such a purse-string budget. We would be immensely grateful for any donations either general or to a specific cause to alleviate some pressure from the club and allow us to expand and develop to provide the best fencing experience to our members.
Please find the donation portal at the bottom of this page
Thank you for your generosity
Varsity Accommodation & Transportation
The 2025 Varsity Match is to be hosted in Oxford and, as per University Sports Service regulations, will require professional transport and accommodation for our four teams, the committee and coaches. Increasing venue and equipment rental costs make it difficult to save sufficient funds for our Home Varsity Match in 2026. By contributing to our accommodation and transportation, you will enable us to continue to host The Varsity Match for years to come.
Club Kit
As a fencer yourself, you also appreciate that fencing is an expensive sport and kit eventually breaks. We are one of the largest sports societies at Cambridge and need to keep a large stock of well-maintained club kit for our members of all weapons and levels of commitment. However, recent inflation has reduced our ability to replace old stock effectively, even after increasing membership prices.
Please consider buying CUFC a blade, jacket or scoring box below; it will make a significant difference.
The Oxford competition teams receive more club-subsidised coaching than ours.
This is largely due to their significantly larger alumni fund. Some of our team members pay for additional coaching at their own expense. However, this is not fiscally ideal nor possible for some of our team members. By donating below, you will help us provide more coach-led training for our teams, allowing us to continue to smash Oxford and climb to the top of the BUCS leagues!

Please consider donating equipment or donating a custom amount
Again, thank you for your generosity
If you’d rather make a bank transfer or a donation enquiry, please contact the president here.
You will receive a donation receipt via email shortly after payment. Refunds may be issued up to 14 days after a completed transaction. Please be aware that it may not be possible to refund the full amount due to electronic transaction processing fees. CUFC is an unincorporated non-profit association.